The implementation of a groundwater supply, the choice of a heating/cooling system (geothermal energy), the valorization of your effluents are all potential solutions that your projects can benefit from. We advise you in the development of your activities by identifying the resources to be exploited sustainably in the subsoil to increase the profitability of your activities, but also to reduce your environmental impact.
We provide pragmatic and tailor-made solutions to manage your soil and groundwater pollution, to assess and prevent soil subsidence and help you guard against natural hazards (floods, landslides, unstable rock faces), also in emergency situations.
We contribute to the development and sustainability of your business by mastering environmental administrative procedures such as preparing environmental permit applications, meeting the requirements of the “Soil Decree” and the IED (Industrial Emission Directive) legislation as well as participating in Environmental Impact Studies.
Groundwater, surface water and leachate may be barriers at each stage of your project. We help you manage them effectively, reduce expenses and turn these constraints into opportunities. This applies to excavation dewatering, quarrying dewatering management and the sustainable storage of waste.
Project management, consulting and (hydro)geological monitoring.
Design and implementation of groundwater sampling in wells of any depths in accordance with good engineering practice
Sampling of surface or deep underground soil in accordance with good engineering practice
Preparation, sampling, analysis and interpretation of water and soil samples
Monitoring of piezometry, temperature and electrical conductivity variations
Dimensioning, implementation and interpretation
Fluorescent tracing tests, heat tracing tests and injection tests to verify well and underground absorption capabilities and understand connections between existing hydraulic networks
Measurements of flow rates, depth
Investigations and geophysical field imaging
Inspection of wells or drains
Aerial photography and 3D digital terrain model building
3D models of underground flows / 3D models of contaminant transport and migration / 3D models of heat plumes / 3D models of salt intrusion
Organisation of training courses and seminars for market players and for the general public
Intelligent databases developement and GIS
KRIGIS – A Eye Beneath The Surface… More about Krigis
Tailor-made solutions based on 50 years of rich and varied experience
Ensuring quality work with full transparency
Solutions to guide / secure your investments
Relevant communication tools (3D modeling, KRIGIS)
Passionate and quality work with a creative and pragmatic spirit
Competences known and recognised by industrial actors and administrations
Personalized and controlled communication throughout your project
Your contacts are involved from the field measurements up to the presentation of the results